How To Handle Unwanted Attention From The Wrong Guy

You’re at a party. You notice a guy smiling at you. It seems like the nice thing to do, so you smile back. Then he comes over and hits on you. Oh, boy… You’re not interested. But you don’t want to crush him. So you endure it. When you have a chance to slip away, you...

The “Food Method” for Building Rapport on Your First Date

Have you ever been on an awkward first date? I know. That’s almost like asking if you’ve ever been on ANY first dates. First dates are tough. Expectations are often high. There’s an air of excitement, but there’s anxiety, too. You want him to like you. He wants you to...

Why Alone Time Makes You Seem Less Desperate

Have you ever spotted a solo diner at a restaurant? Maybe you were out with some friends or on a date. Just a few tables over someone sat alone. You watched them for a while, stealing discreet glances when you could. What’s their story?, you wondered. Why are they...

What You Should Know Before Dating Someone from Work

We’ve all heard the warnings. Do not date someone from work. It’s not worth putting your career at risk or wrecking your reputation. You’ll regret it. But how true is it? Not at all, according to the 1 in 10 Americans[1] who met their future spouse at work. Since the...

When to Keep a Secret from Your Man: One Guiding Principle

What’s your stance on keeping secrets from your guy? Ask ten different women that question and you’ll get ten different answers. Some are advocates of sharing EVERYTHING, while others want to maintain areas of privacy, even in a serious relationship. You probably have...

How to Recognize – and Avoid – Pick-Up Artists

Most of the time, my advice focuses on attracting guys. You want their attention. You want a connection. If a guy focuses on you, it’s a win, right? Well, not always. When you put yourself out there, it’s important to remember something: some guys are predators....