Best New Relationship Questions to Ask a Guy

Half the problem on a date is keeping the conversation flowing. Unfortunately, most of the time that’s up to you. How many times have you found yourself carrying the entire conversation while the guy you’re with sits across from you, sips his drink, and nods every so...

What Men REALLY Want When They Do Something Nice for You

If another woman does something nice for you, how do you respond? You thank her, of course… And then you probably start thinking of a way to repay her kindness! When someone does something nice for you, you do something nice for them. But what happens when a man does...

How to be a one-of-a-kind girlfriend

Every so often, a study comes out that makes me want to cheer. I can talk about the importance of being yourself as much as I like. But unless there’s research to back it, it’s just my opinion. And that opinion isn’t shared by old-school dating advice, which tells...

5 Body Language Signals You’re Probably Missing

The benefits of being able to read body language are obvious: You know if he’s interested even if he’s not saying a word. You know if he’s NOT interested before wasting your time. And you probably already know these 5 basic signs to look for. Is his body facing...

Am I Too Picky with Guys?

It’s one of the questions I get asked a lot: “Am I too picky with guys?” Have you ever wondered that? Are you worried you’ll run out of options if you keep turning down guys who are interested? Do you wonder whether you’re turning away guys who could have made you...

How to Stop Being “Too Nice” to Men

Ellie knew what her problem was in dating: She was too nice. She kept exchanging messages even when she was no longer interested. She said yes every time a man asked her out, because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She had long conversations where she listened...