3 Secrets You Must Know about Men

Look, I get it. As a man who helps women achieve happier romantic outcomes with guys, I know it sometimes seems like men are from another planet. You don’t know why guys do the things they do. They don’t make sense. But men were born on the same planet as everyone...

Classic Dating Advice That REALLY Works

You met this guy, and you REALLY like him. You can’t help telling your friends all about him… Dreaming about him while you’re supposed to be focusing at work… Wondering when he’s going to call. The only reason you’ve gone back on the online dating app is to see if...

3 Commandments of Online Dating

Online dating is getting better. Fifteen years ago, less than half of online daters ever made it out on an actual date. There were a lot of time-wasters. That’s changed. These days, 2 in 3 online daters have made it off the computer and onto a real-world date. And 1...

3 Reasons Guys Stop Trying Once They Have You

When you met your guy, it was amazing. He treated you like a queen. He took you out. He listened. He wanted to learn everything you liked so he could give it to you. You felt seen, treasured, appreciated…. Everything you’d ever hoped for. So why does he do NONE of...

The Case of the Disappearing Men

I’ve heard this story so many times. A guy really likes a girl, so he tries to come up with reasons to talk to her. He starts showing up in the same places she frequents. He strikes up little conversations with her. He builds up the courage to ask her out. Then, out...

5 Red Flags that Drive Great Men Away

You like him. But you don’t know what he thinks of you. You lie awake at night wondering: Does he like me? Does he find me attractive? Does he see me as relationship material? It’s so frustrating not to know! If you could get inside a man’s mind and read his thoughts,...