How to Know When to End a Relationship?

A Useful Way to Know When to End a Relationship One of the most useful concepts for making personal and business decisions is “Zero-sum thinking.” What is it? Zero-sum thinking is a method of clearing the mind of the effects of what is called a...

A Simple Way to Boost Your Energy and Happiness

I like simple ideas. Especially ones that unlock feelings of joy. Or thoughts that energize you. Like this thought from Ashley Smith, for example: “Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain,...

Tiny Habit Changes = Better Dating Odds

As you know, my motivation is focused on the best possible dating outcome for you. I am a firm believer in the idea of win-win scenarios. I was first exposed to the concept by Steven Covey in his book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”...

Response To A Personal Question From Becky

Becky asked a question in response to my Be Brave post.  I asked her if we could share her question, as I suspect many others have dealt with the issue she brings up.  Thanks, Becky, for giving me permission to address this question publicly for the...

Force a Man To Like You More with this One Graceful Response

Do you feel awkward when someone pays you a genuine complement? Do you experience a sudden increase in self-consciousness? Do you stammer or say nothing while averting your gaze? Do you hit the person that complimented you and accuse him of lying (in a childish...

Happier and Thinner

Hey its James. I hope this post will inspire you to take one simple action…exercise. If the effects of physical exercise could be bottled and sold in the form of a pill, sales of that pill would exceed all other medications combined. Physical exercise is now...