Mental Saturation for Joy

I have always been fascinated by the topic of mental saturation. It’s the idea that you can manipulate your own thoughts, perceptions of the world, habits, and inclinations simply by choosing what you consistently expose your mind to. A friend of mine once...

The Value of Individualized Feedback

Feedback is one of the most effective tools for improving ourselves.  In his book, “Talent is Overrated,” Georff Colvin makes the case that people with superior skills and abilities usually developed those skills because of feedback over time, rather than innate...

Why You Should Build Your Network of Platonic Friendships

Regardless of whether you are over fifty, or about to reach your twenty-first birthday, the value of a solid network of female AND male friends is extremely high. Even if you already have a strong network of friends and acquaintances, I’m going to make the case...

A Tale of Two Relationships

I recently heard a terrible story from the lips of a woman who endured a tragedy of the sort that changes your life forever.  The root cause of her suffering seemed to stem from the repeated decision to forgive a man too many times.  But we will...

Re-Imagine the Future

This post is about cultivating “The Hopeful Self.” It’s about acquiring optimism that can be cultivated to elevate your mood.This post is about you. It’s about enjoying life right here and right now. If implementing any of this advice ends up...

How to Improve your Looks (By The Standards That Matter To Men)

There are some things about your personal appearance you simply cannot do anything to change. For the sake of building your own confidence and self-esteem, it is important that you accept those things completely. Yes, I know you would still change them if your fairy...