The Emperor Has No Clothes (And There Are No Dating Rules)

In case the story is not common where you live, the expression “The emperor has no clothes” is from Hans Christian Anderson’s fable The Emperor’s New Clothes, published in 1837. It was one of my favorite childhood stories (at least the Mickey...

Necessary Sacrifices

You only get twenty-four hours per day.  If you could freeze time while you roamed the world, you might have better luck finding the right man before the hands of time arrested your efforts.  The simple truth is, we must accomplish every aspect of living...

The Most Successful Female Dating Strategy

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson Perhaps the simplest dating method of all is one that focuses on yourself. Specifically, it’s a method that focuses on the actions you take...

The Pain of Letting Go

Finding the right person to spend your life with requires that you let go of many other people you meet along the way. Some dating coaches say dating is all a numbers game. You date enough people, and eventually you will find a mutually satisfying click. There is...

How to Know If You Are Settling

Are you settling for the guy you are with? Should you look for a better relationship when things are “just okay” in your current relationship? Women who are currently in a satisfying relationship can still point out a few flaws in their partner. Some of...

Thoughts that make you stronger

You can transform your life by adopting short catchphrases you repeat to yourself often. Big companies use this technique on you all the time. Some business people call them “micro-scripts,” but you will better recognize them with a few examples. They are...