Which kind of person are you? The kind to charge in when something scares you? Or the kind to back away from risky situations? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess. You’re BOTH. Most of us are. There are times when we embrace risk, and times when we run from it. My... Have you ever spotted a solo diner at a restaurant? Maybe you were out with some friends or on a date. Just a few tables over someone sat alone. You watched them for a while, stealing discreet glances when you could. What’s their story?, you wondered. Why are they... I’m going to start by apologizing. I’m asking you to think about something you probably don’t want to think about. Breaking up. Breakups are no fun. Even if you were the one to pull the plug on the relationship, it sucks to go from being a couple to being alone. And... Maybe you can relate to Marcy’s story. She was at her wits end. It had been a pretty cruddy day. She slept late that morning. Work had been…well, work. Certainly not a vacation. She missed her spin class that afternoon. And to top it off, Peter cancelled their... Phone calls are out. And texting is in. We text friends. We text family members. We text work colleagues. In fact, many of us prefer texting to other forms of communication. But some people take it too far. They text constantly. Or about things that shouldn’t be in... Imagine you’re at a party. You’re visiting with a small group of people. Both men and women. Someone makes the comment that there are a lot of things they look for in a partner, but one of them is a good sense of humor. Who nods in agreement? The men? The women? Both?...
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