What do you make of the following fun facts?[i] You could live the rest of your life without eating or drinking anything. Most people have more than the average number of legs. I’ve won as many Oscars as Glenn Close. They feel a bit fishy, don’t they? And yet, every... How do you feel about dating? Depending on when you’re asked that question, your answer might change dramatically. That’s because dating is a mix of wildly different experiences. Sometimes it’s fun, like a first kiss. Sometimes it’s intense,... Can you ever really know how other people see you? It would be great if you could. Then you could see exactly what he sees when he looks at you. You could see why he loves you, or why he turned away. You could see whether that mole on your cheek is sexy or... Obsessing is a natural part of being human. It’s literally built into your genetic code. You see, we all have a “loop” in our brain that regulates obsession. Here’s how it works. An obsessions is like a drug. Thinking about an obsession releases dopamine. And that... You’re driving a bit over the speed limit. Nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing you’d ever think about. But this time a cop pulls you over. He gives you a speeding ticket. It’s surprising. Frustrating. Scary. And for the whole next week, you can’t stop thinking about... Do you want to be more attractive? Silly question, I know. That’s like asking if you want a million dollars. Or if you want frizz-free hair, no matter the weather. Yes, yes, and HOLY COW, YES. Well, you’re in luck. I can tell you how to instantly be more attractive...
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