

I absolutely love your disclosure At the end of your emails. I continue to grow even more fond of you as an author and coach.

Thank you for being so authentic!!!




Dear James,

I would like to say that you are the most wonderful relationship coach! Since I bought your product months ago and subscribing to your emails, I can conclude this. Other relationship coaches / experts.. they give emails that aren’t really that sincere. There is always somehow a commercialised aspect to it. However with your emails, you are sincere with your words and not afraid to share extra thoughts to help others. Your emails are calming and mind-opening. At times, quite philosophical. Makes the readers more knowledgeable. May God bless you even more.

I’m writing this just to give a compliment and a great pat on the back.





I hope you receive this and read it. This article is superb, and among the most important of anything else you can write.

I thought about this and discovered it for myself. Am working on it, and am very encouraged. It’s a mixture of “positive thinking”, creative thinking, stress management – by relaxation and visualization methods – and has the added bonus of improving the body’s immune system, as well as “just” making us feel “happy”.

(I’m not a genius, this is a natural evolution from my professional background).

All good wishes,


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