#1 Reason Why Men Pull Away

It’s a painful experience to be deeply connected with a man, only to find him pulling away and losing interest. Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only to begin distancing himself and saying he really wasn’t ready for a...

The Most Infuriating Thing About Dating Men

Men are weird. They think weird things and they do weird things. This leaves intelligent women in the uncomfortable and awkward position of having to take wild guesses about what to do next. One of the challenging things about being a woman who is used to taking...

Why Men Lose Interest

It’s a painful experience to be deeply connected with a man, only to find him pulling away and losing interest. Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only to begin distancing himself and saying he really wasn’t ready for a...

What To Do If Your Guy Seems Distracted or Stops Listening

Men get preoccupied. Don’t confuse that with a loss of passion for the relationship he shares with you. Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone attractive and engaging. The spark of interest leads quickly to romantic attraction and mutual desire. There...