What Does Respect in a Relationship Look Like?

“She doesn’t respect me, so why should I have to respect her?” Dillon leaned forward, certain I’d agree with him. But Jayla cut in with a shrug of her shoulders, “I’d respect him if he started acting like a man instead of a teenage boy.” Dillon looked to me, “See what...

3 Relationship Habits that Will Get You More Happiness

Imagine you’ve gone to L.A. on business. Nothing exciting. Just a conference in one of those soulless hotels near the airport. You sneak a moment away and find a coffee shop. You just want to sit for a moment, relax, and take in that SoCal vibe. As you’re sitting...

The Four Tendencies in Relationships

Have you ever dated someone who never got off the couch? You knew he had amazing potential, but he never did anything with it. Trying to motivate him was a waste of time. Or maybe you’ve dated the opposite: Someone whose time was scheduled down to the minute. He never...