Stop the Pursue-Withdraw Pattern Before It Breaks Your Relationship

Madison didn’t want to fight. Her relationship felt suffocating, but she didn’t know how to tell her boyfriend that she didn’t want to spend every weekend with him. She felt she owed it to him to arrange her schedule around him, but she’d begun to resent it. She’d...

How to Enjoy Dating and Reduce Stress

Rank the following in order of importance to you in dating: Male attentionGetting a ringLanding the guy that got awayConnecting with someone Research shows that only ONE of those options is guaranteed to make you happier. Which one is it? I’ll tell you in a minute,...

3 Qualities of Great #RelationshipGoals

Everyone has #RelationshipGoals. A tropical holiday with a gorgeous guy. A white wedding planned down to the tiniest details. A house full of kids, laughter, and at least one dog. What are yours? Relationship goals are more than just a fun hashtag. They’re life or...

How to Stop Your Past from Poisoning Your Future

Your exes. What comes to mind when you think of them? If you’re like most women, the first word that comes to mind is “heartbreak.” Pain. Mistakes. Scars. You have to carry that baggage for the rest of your life. Common wisdom says you should forgive. You can’t let go...

Get Your Love Life Moving Faster by Setting Goals

There are two schools of thought when it comes to dating. School #1 says: “It will happen when it happens.” Don’t force things. Trust that it’s all happening perfectly. Pay attention to your intuition and surrender the rest. School #2 says: “You’ve got to MAKE it...