You can’t eat. You can’t smile without forcing it. You can’t stop thinking about him. You can’t stop thinking about what happened. You feel terrible, you look terrible, and all you want is for him to be suffering as much as you are. In the midst of your misery, you... Did you know there’s only one technique for improving relationships that’s actually been proven to work? That’s right. Just one. I know what you’re thinking. I suggest tips for making your relationship better all the time. Not only that, but I... You want to spend more time with him. He says he loves you and wants to spend more time with you too. But he’s not making any adjustments to his schedule. No matter how many times you talk to him about it, the situation doesn’t change. The problem appears... Part of you want is to lay on the beach, get a tan, or just relax and do nothing. But another part of you wants to work hard, live out your life goals, and make a difference in the world. Part of you wants to get lean, but another part of you would rather eat brownies... In the movies, some life event throws a couple back together. Usually it’s a hardship they face as a team. This ends up leading to a natural rekindling of love between two people who really were meant for each other all along. The key is a shared enemy and a...
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