Why He Gets Turned Off When You Show Too Much Interest

If you met Kyla at a social event, you might see her as standoffish. It takes a lot before she lets down her guard or starts to smile. What you wouldn’t know is that this isn’t really who she is. Around her friends, Kyla is a different person. Silly, warm and caring....

3 Reasons Guys Stop Trying Once They Have You

When you met your guy, it was amazing. He treated you like a queen. He took you out. He listened. He wanted to learn everything you liked so he could give it to you. You felt seen, treasured, appreciated…. Everything you’d ever hoped for. So why does he do NONE of...

Why Men Lose Interest

It’s a painful experience to be deeply connected with a man, only to find him pulling away and losing interest. Have you ever been with a man who seemed to really like you, only to begin distancing himself and saying he really wasn’t ready for a...