5 Ways to Say No to Him

You finally meet someone you like… And he pressures you to do something you don’t want to do. You’re convinced he’ll lose interest in you if you don’t do it. It’s been so hard to find someone you actually like, who returns your interest… That you go ahead with...

No Second Date. Could This Be Why?

This guy seems okay. You’re not sure about him, but he’s nice enough. The conversation was good. If he asked you, you’d probably see him again. But after you go home from your date, you check your phone… And nothing. Tomorrow … still nothing. He doesn’t contact you...

Are Your New Connections Fizzling Out Because of This?

It’s so fun to text back and forth with someone new. You feel like you’re really getting to know each other. It’s SO much easier to flirt. You can type things you’d never say in person. You can ask your friends for ideas. You can even text him in your pajamas, no...

3 Dates that Spark Attraction

Connie was so excited. She was driving to meet a guy she’d been chatting with all week. The traffic was horrible. It was hot and muggy. But Connie didn’t mind. She’d had a great day at work, and she was looking forward to relaxing and having a drink with someone she...

3 Reasons He’s Giving You Mixed Signals

He’s doing it to mess with your head. At least, that’s what it FEELS like. If he really cared about you and what you have together, then he wouldn’t give you mixed signals, right? He’d be consistent. He’d say how he felt. Instead, you’re stuck wondering why he never...