Imagine you’re playing a board game with this really cute, amazing guy. You can tell he really likes you, too. Eventually, you notice that every time you play this game with him, you end up winning. So you start paying closer attention to how he’s playing… And, sure... Panic. That’s what Rachel felt. She just knew that Daniel was losing interest. He was still going out with the guys one night a week. He hadn’t talked to her about summer plans. He barely made an effort for Valentine’s Day. Surely, if he was really into her, he’d be... You met this guy, and you REALLY like him. You can’t help telling your friends all about him… Dreaming about him while you’re supposed to be focusing at work… Wondering when he’s going to call. The only reason you’ve gone back on the online dating app is to see if... Online dating is getting better. Fifteen years ago, less than half of online daters ever made it out on an actual date. There were a lot of time-wasters. That’s changed. These days, 2 in 3 online daters have made it off the computer and onto a real-world date. And 1... Should you stick with a difficult relationship? It’s a question that divides a lot of people. (Ask it on a first date, and you’ll learn a lot about him.) Some believe relationships should be easy. If you’re struggling, it’s because there’s something wrong. You’re not...
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