Should You Keep Waiting If He Won’t Commit?

For years, Maya and Liam were inseparable. What started as a close friendship grew into something deeper. They shared everything: weekend adventures, work complaints, even their deepest fears. One day, Maya was surprised to find their connection turning physical. When...

Dating A Low Effort Guy

You’re with a guy you really like, but you’ve noticed something troubling. You put a ton of effort into sending him sweet messages, planning things to do, and showing him how you feel. And what does he do? Well, he’s happy to show up. That’s about it. Your friends...

He’s Not Sure If He Can Commit

It’s heartbreaking to fall in love with a guy who isn’t sure. He’s not sure he’s in the right place for a relationship. He’s not sure he can commit again. He’s been burned in the past. He’s not sure he can be the man you need him to...

When You Feel Unloved, Try This

It’s a sobering thought: There will be times in your relationship when you don’t feel loved. Even if it’s a great relationship. Even if you know you’ll be together for a lifetime. How you handle those periods is critical. If you panic, you might drive cracks into your...

7 Love Strategies

You want to be the best partner you can be. You want to show him how adored he is. You want to make him so happy he’ll want to be with you forever. How do you do that? You might: Meet his needs before he realizes he has them. Ask very little from him. Be the “perfect...