When You Feel Unloved, Try This

It’s a sobering thought: There will be times in your relationship when you don’t feel loved. Even if it’s a great relationship. Even if you know you’ll be together for a lifetime. How you handle those periods is critical. If you panic, you might drive cracks into your...

7 Love Strategies

You want to be the best partner you can be. You want to show him how adored he is. You want to make him so happy he’ll want to be with you forever. How do you do that? You might: Meet his needs before he realizes he has them. Ask very little from him. Be the “perfect...

Mistakes That Push Your Ex Further Away

Yes, you’ve broken up, but is a relationship ever REALLY over? You can toss out his sweatshirt, he can throw away the cards you gave him, but the memories you made together are not so easy to get rid of. He’ll never be able to see you as “just another woman.” In part...

9 Ways to “Speak Dating”

These days, dating has its own language. You’ve probably already heard words like breadcrumbing, ghosting, and love bombing before… But you may not have heard about roaching, mosting, and hesidating. These new words can seem like unnecessary jargon… Until you go out...

Believing in Soulmates Can Lead You to Love

In some circles, it’s not fashionable to believe in soulmates. Who would believe there’s just one person out there for you—in this day and age? There’s no such thing as soulmates, the cynics say. Just the right person for right now. But people have believed in...