Men act so confident. They act like they know what they’re doing. They don’t have hang-ups about their body. They think they’re a catch (even when they’re not). But everything is not what it seems… Deep down, many men are insecure and... Linda was tired. She was in her mid-fifties and didn’t look like she used to. Her face, her hair, her twenty pounds of extra weight… made her wonder what any man would see in her. She came to me for help recovering from heartbreak after she’d met a man online. She... You spend so much time sifting through online dating profiles. You spend so much time exchanging messages, trying to be flirtatious, hoping it will go somewhere. You spend so much time vetting these guys, deciding whether you want to meet, working out the when and... It’s hard not to need the man you love. You want to lean on him. You want to rely on him. You want him to be your rock when life gets you down. But you’ve heard that the best relationships are interdependent, not codependent. It’s not his job to make you happy. Your... You’re on a first date with someone you met online. You’re sitting across from him, talking and laughing, but part of you is on edge. You can’t relax. You haven’t been able to relax since you got into the car to drive here. You normally don’t worry what anyone thinks...
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