3 Rules for Understanding Men

Let’s test your man knowledge! True or false? Men are not as emotional as women.Men prioritize looks in the opposite sex.Men think about you-kn0w-what every 7 seconds. If you answered true to all three questions, you’re in good company. We all know that men and women...

How Do You Know if You’re Compatible with Someone?

When I ran into my friend Kalia the other day, I was amazed at how relaxed and happy she looked. Her hair was styled in the same light brown bob as always, and she was casually dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, but she looked like she’d stepped straight off the plane...

Do You Have Chemistry with Him? (The #1 Factor that Matters Most!)

You’re getting ready to go out on a first date with a guy you met online. What’s the single most important factor in determining whether you have chemistry? How much you have in commonHow well you flirtHow you lookHow you smell I’ll tell you the answer in just a...

7 Things You Should Know Before the First Date

Have you ever been on a blind date? They’re nerve-racking. Even if you trust the person setting you up, it feels like such a gamble. What if the guy is a jerk? Or an idiot? Or just a really, really bad fit? Blind date horror stories range from the uncomfortable to the...