Decoding Mixed Messages

Tammy thought she’d never find love again. Since her husband passed, she’d found peace in a life filled with friends and hobbies. Then she joined a hiking group… and met Steve. Steve was a high school teacher coming out of a rough divorce. He was funny and a great...

The Trust Deficit: Why Modern Dating Feels Riskier Than Ever

It’s already so hard to meet someone new. There are so many obstacles to overcome: making that first contact, figuring out what to say, building attraction, daring to suggest seeing each other again… It’s not fair that I’m giving you one more thing to worry...

Does He Deserve to Be Inside Your Circle of Trust?

Should you trust him? It’s a Catch 22. If you do trust him, you’re opening yourself up to getting hurt or betrayed. If you don’t trust him, you’ll never gain true intimacy. Has this ever happened to you? You trusted someone who shouldn’t have been trusted… Then...

Build Trust with Your Partner

Arthur Ashe is credited with saying, “Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time.” That’s the conventional wisdom. We think of trust as something people earn from us. But is that the best way to build trust? Surface level...