Why Guys Break Up Instead of Working on the Relationship

This is a story you might have heard before. A man meets a woman… And he falls hard. He’s never met anyone like her before. They have so much fun together. She makes him laugh. They talk about things he usually doesn’t talk about. He thinks about her all the time. He...

Breakup Recovery

Breaking up rips out your heart. It hurts SO much. You can’t think of him without crying. Your friends try to support you, but it doesn’t help. The pain inside you is tearing you apart, yet everyone expects you to go about your normal life as if nothing happened… As...

Scared He’s Going to Leave You? 3 Questions That Can Help

Caitlyn thought of herself as gentle and loving. She made others feel good. She tried to keep the peace. But her boyfriend Hudson was driving her crazy. It started a few months after they moved in together. Until then, she thought she and Hudson saw eye-to-eye on...

Bounce Back with Better Self-talk

Think of your last REALLY BAD dating experience. The guy who arrived at your dinner date … only to confess he’d already eaten. The guy who vanished into thin air while you were freshening up in the bathroom. The guy who failed to mention he was married. The guy who...