My Relationships Never Last

“Once guys get to know me, they always leave.” “I can’t let down my guard. I’ll say the wrong thing and push him away.” “It’s risky to let a guy into my life. What if he sees the real me and runs?” I wish I had a dime for every time a woman has told me she can’t...

Low Self-Esteem Linked to Staying in Bad Relationships

We’ve heard it a thousand times: Love yourself. If you don’t love yourself, you’ll settle for a man who doesn’t value you. That’s obvious, right? But looking back on your relationship history, you may be able to pick out quite a few exes who didn’t value you. Even a...

How Do You Know If He’s Bad for You?

Every group of friends has one: The girl who doesn’t see the warning signs about the guy she’s with. She’s so happy to be with him that you can’t say anything. You exchange concerned glances with other friends, but you know the rules. It’s not your place to comment....