How brave are you? Do you have what it takes to try one of the riskiest (and, ironically, most successful) dating strategies out there? All it takes is being remarkable. Take a Risk or Play It Safe The safest dating advice is to find out what the average man finds... Everyone has a “type.” The men you find attractive aren’t necessarily the same ones your best friend finds attractive. But if you take a group of men, chances are, you and your friends would agree on which are the most attractive of the bunch. That attractiveness... You had a great time. He was fun. You had tons to talk about. You laughed like crazy. The date stretched on for hours. You’re sure he likes you—and the feeling is mutual. But as you walk towards the parking lot together, you start to feel nervous. Goodbyes always make... Is it better to be conventionally attractive… Or is it better to look interesting? I’ll tell you what I’ve noticed about the effect this has for women, but first, let me tell you about guys who have tested this idea. “Peacocking” is rooted in Mother Nature’s design... Would you rather look sexier or feel sexier? What if you could have BOTH? You can. And no matter if you’re currently single or happily dating, the effect on your love life can be profoundly positive. There are many ways to feel sexier. But...
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