Stop Old Arguments from Wrecking Your Relationship Rhythm

Try this quick experiment. I’ll explain why in a bit. Think about the last time your boyfriend did something really irritating. For just a moment, 30 seconds tops, remember every detail you can. Got a specific annoyance in mind? Good. Okay, the next part is the...

How to Get Over Your Ex Faster (and Move on to the Right Guy)

How to Get Over Your Ex Faster (and Move on to the Right Guy) Moving on after you break up with someone isn’t rocket science. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you: it takes time. But this can be frustrating. Especially if you want to get back out there and find someone....

Go One Step Deeper than Good Communication

If you spend even a little time reading up on what makes a relationship work, you’ll come across a lot of advice on improving communication. Happy couples have good communication, right? Well, yes. But are they happy because they have good communication, or do they...

Three Ways “Fun Theory” Can Help Your Relationship Thrive

Have you ever tried to get excited about something you didn’t really want to do? A friend of mine is a runner. Recently I admitted I simply don’t like running enough to tackle the long distances she does, and what she said floored me. She said she doesn’t like to run,...

One Response to Survive and Thrive Under Criticism

Karen thought it would bond them as a couple. A weekend workshop devoted to developing greater intimacy? Bring it on! But on the afternoon of the second day, her world turned upside-down. The topic was how to give feedback instead of criticism. The facilitator asked...