Something he’s doing is bothering you. You feel uncomfortable about the situation, so you call your best friend to talk about it. You explain what happened, and you try to put words to how you’re feeling. Are you mad at him? Do you feel left out? Do you feel triggered... He takes you for granted. He didn’t used to. He used to text you all the time. He used to beg to see you. Now? He never has time. He’s always got other things going on. How can you make him go back to the way he was? Do you: Greet him at the door dressed in your... “Oh, James. I really messed it up.” Olivia was sitting in my office with her head in her hands. When she and her boyfriend broke up last month, she thought she’d handled it well. She kept her feelings under control. They had a mature conversation and parted on... Why is he doing this? He’s still calling and texting you, even though he’s the one who broke up with you. He said he didn’t want a relationship. So why is he acting as if you’re still in one? Could it be that he’s missing you? Does he regret breaking up with you? Does... “Ow! You stepped on my foot!” Caitlin pushed her boyfriend away. “Well, you shouldn’t have been standing behind me!” Drake turned to face Caitlin, who was hunched over clutching her foot. “I was standing there because I was trying to help you,” she said, exasperated.... When you are upset, what does your guy do? Does he listen to you… Emotionally validate you… And support you until you feel better? Or does he vanish on you? When you need him, he’s just not there. If he WAS there, he’d just tell you not to get so upset. He’d tell you...
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