Carol and her guy had been going through a rough patch. It wasn’t anything new. It was the same old problems they’d always struggled with. “I just don’t think we can make it work,” she told me. “We’ve tried so many times. I’m discouraged. He’s discouraged.” She... I’m often asked whether it is possible for love to be rekindled. If a man lost interest, can he fall for you all over again? I’m happy to reassure my clients that yes, it’s possible! Couples get back together all the time. A YouGov poll of 22,000 Americans found that... Yes, you’ve broken up, but is a relationship ever REALLY over? You can toss out his sweatshirt, he can throw away the cards you gave him, but the memories you made together are not so easy to get rid of. He’ll never be able to see you as “just another woman.” In part... You don’t understand why. It was going so well. You were there for him during tough times. He said he’d protect you and keep you safe. He was part of your life, and you were part of his. Now he’s saying he doesn’t feel the same way anymore? How can love turn off just... Kirsten didn’t want to tell me what she’d done at first. All I knew was that she’d “wrecked” her relationship. She sat in the chair in my office, nervous and trembling, unable to look at me. She wanted me to help her “fix it,” without explaining what we’d be fixing.... When relationships end, they end for a reason. Reasons such as… Feeling distant from one another Feeling like you’re not on the same page Fighting a lot Feeling like you can’t trust your partner anymore Even when you know a relationship isn’t working, it can be really...
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