“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson Perhaps the simplest dating method of all is one that focuses on yourself. Specifically, it’s a method that focuses on the actions you take... Let me start by asking if you know the answer to the following question. What is the number-one fear a woman has after a date that goes really well? Do you know? The most common fear is that he won’t call again. The woman is left waiting, wondering, and feeling... I have nothing against a cute headline for your dating profile. Just make sure your tagline, or sub headline, makes a statement rather than being generic. Focus on a single, compelling idea or “angle” rather than trying to cram your whole personality into... When I was in high school, there was a girl named Stephanie who had it all. She was tall with a pretty face and a nice figure. Her dad was one of the richest guys in town and gave her the choice of any brand-new car she wanted for her sixteenth birthday. Nearly all... There’s this strange human tendency to experience competing drives. Procrastination is a good example of this. You want to get something done, yet you experience a competing drive to just relax or avoid the task. The result is that your energy is not fully... As a dating and relationship coach I put a lot of emphasis on using positive energy and a cheerful mood to attract the kind of men who tend to make good life-long partners. Several people have asked me if they should put on a cheerful mask even when they are not...
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