The Real Secret to Getting Him to Open Up

Have you ever wondered why men are so much more reluctant to share their feelings than women? The technical term for when a guy has a hard time talking about how he feels is “Normative Male Alexithymia.” That’s a ridiculously complicated way of saying that many men...

How to Work 60 Hours a Week and Still Find Time for Dating

Maybe you work 60 hours a week. Or you have kids. Or a demanding social life. Or maybe you’re going to night classes for a career makeover. But you also want romance in your life. The problem is, you’re short on time. You cram as much as possible into each day. You...

The Surprising Secret to Long-Term Relationship Bliss

What do you hope for in a dating relationship? It’s a simple question that can lead to some complex answers. Fun dates and first kisses are nice, but you probably have your sights set on something long-term. If you really let your mind go, you could end up thinking...

The “Dating After 40” Fix

Women in their 40s and 50s often tell me it’s hard to date. I know it can be tough putting yourself out there and finding someone. Especially if you’re newly divorced or coming out of another long-term relationship. But here are some of the specific complaints I hear:...

How to Be More Approachable? Just Ask for Help

Imagine you’re out with a few friends trying to find a guy. You’re at a bar. The drinks flow. Music plays. People struggle to talk over it and each other. Everyone is squeezed into “sexy” attire. Trying to be impressive. You do your best to seem open and interested as...