Don’t Miss this “Accidental” Kind of Romance

If this has ever happened to you, you know how frustrating it is. You’re single. You’re not happy about it. You lament to a friend, someone who is NOT single, and she smiles benevolently. Then she says the one thing all single people hate to hear:...

When Date Night Becomes Dull, Do This

Remember how excited you were about that first date? You got ready with butterflies in your stomach. Primping and prepping to perfection. You agonized over your outfit. It was nerve-wracking and fun at the same time. Anticipation filled the air. Now, compare that to...

How to Go From Casual Dating to a Serious Relationship

Do you know what a “relationship bomb” is? Even if you’ve never heard that phrase, you’ve probably dealt with a few. A relationship bomb is a situation where things could easily blow up in your face. Here’s a common relationship bomb: the dreaded...

The Weekend-Trigger: Renew Your Romance

You know how it feels when you first start dating someone? Every detail about them is exciting. The process of getting to know them can be spell-binding. That’s why you’ll stay on the phone for HOURS, even if you’re not really a long-phone-call kind...

Stop Old Arguments from Wrecking Your Relationship Rhythm

Try this quick experiment. I’ll explain why in a bit. Think about the last time your boyfriend did something really irritating. For just a moment, 30 seconds tops, remember every detail you can. Got a specific annoyance in mind? Good. Okay, the next part is the...

A Simple Way to Spot Mr. Right

So many women regret the time they wasted in unhealthy relationships. They can’t believe who they fell for. They can’t believe how long they stuck with dead-end relationships. But I have one friend who never expresses those kinds of regrets. Jennifer has always been...