3 Online Dating Traps to Avoid

When you see a guy’s profile, you instantly know whether he’s a catch. You just get a FEELING about him. You look at his picture. You read between the lines of his profile. You imagine him in your head. Then you start writing back and forth to each other… And you...

Is the Dating Game Stacked Against You?

Have you ever felt that online dating is stacked against you… Unless you’re incredibly photogenic, in your twenties, and live in a metropolitan area packed with singles? Most men won’t even see your profile because of their filters. That’s because online dating...

The Problem with Dating When You Can’t Meet in Person

“How can you meet anyone without the internet?” Kasey was asking a rhetorical question. She honestly didn’t believe there was any other way for her to meet a man. Since switching to a job working entirely from home, she relied on social media as her only opportunity...

3 Male Communication Secrets You Need to Know

Bethany was fed up. Her boyfriend Dan didn’t talk to her anymore. Well, it wasn’t that he didn’t talk to her. But they didn’t talk like they used to when they first got together. He didn’t seem interested in her anymore. They’d go out for a meal together, and instead...

The Most Important First Date Questions You’ll Ever Ask

When you go on a first date, so many questions run through your head. Will he like me? Will I like him? What if we have nothing to say to each other? What if I say the wrong thing? Those questions keep circling in your mind, making you feel sick with worry. How am I...

Is He Wasting Your Time?

A relationship is a HUGE investment of time and energy. And you’re investing your heart. Why would you give your heart to someone who just wants to play around? Sometimes, it’s easy to tell who the timewasters are. They’re the guys who admit they’re not looking for...