How to Get Him on a Date

You know exactly how to ace a first date. But you’re not exactly swimming with invitations. You meet men you like, but they’re content to “see you around” or bump into you sometime. Most don’t even ask for your phone number. Dates have gone out of style. They’re too...

Want to Spot Mr. Right? Watch Out for Noise

Will you spot the love of your life at first sight? In today’s world, you almost HAVE to. You’ve only got a fraction of a second to swipe before it’s onto the next profile. If your dating instincts aren’t spot-on, you might pass over The One and never realize it....

Defeat Prince Charming Syndrome

I want you to imagine your perfect guy… Your Prince Charming. Imagine him sitting across from you, looking into your eyes, his smile warming your heart. See his strong cheekbones, his hair falling over the nape of his neck, his square shoulders leaning towards you,...

Appeal to His Inner Caveman

You spend so much time sifting through online dating profiles. You spend so much time exchanging messages, trying to be flirtatious, hoping it will go somewhere. You spend so much time vetting these guys, deciding whether you want to meet, working out the when and...

3 Dates that Spark Attraction

Connie was so excited. She was driving to meet a guy she’d been chatting with all week. The traffic was horrible. It was hot and muggy. But Connie didn’t mind. She’d had a great day at work, and she was looking forward to relaxing and having a drink with someone she...

Is He Interested Or Just Being Nice?

Men have a problem. They have a hard time knowing if a woman is interested in them… Or just being nice. And as you probably know from first hand experience, women have the same problem. 🙂 It’s hard to tell if that guy wants to talk to you because he’s interested in...