Smiling In the Dark (And Why You Should be Doing This)

My friend often finds herself smiling in the dark just after switching off her bedside lamp. She has a daughter named Claire.  Claire is an adorable five-year-old who was born with a heart defect that has already required open-heart surgery once. The smallest...

This Is How “Internal Chemistry” Makes You More Attractive

This Is How “Internal Chemistry” Makes You More Attractive There’s a powerful saying that goes like this… “You attract people by the qualities you display. You keep them by the qualities you possess.” This saying means two things. You should strive to put...

Relationship Worries? One Radical Idea Can Turn the Tables

Some people have all the luck. And they’re the ones who never depend on it. ~ Bob Ingham There are several radical ideas that changed my life instantly when I discovered them. One of them was the concept that “thoughts are things.” Some days are full of anxious...

Give Your Man This, Even if He Doesn’t Deserve It

“I believe in you.” It’s nice when someone says that to you, isn’t it? But what does it really mean? They believe you exist? Of course not. They’re saying they believe in your ability to achieve something. Or they believe in your general...

Can a constant need to fit in sabotage real bonding?

What is bonding? You know when it happens, but it’s hard to describe it with words. As I was writing this article, my efforts to put it into words repeatedly pulled my mind back to the moments when I felt it most strongly. I’m talking about those special...