Tammy thought she’d never find love again. Since her husband passed, she’d found peace in a life filled with friends and hobbies. Then she joined a hiking group… and met Steve. Steve was a high school teacher coming out of a rough divorce. He was funny and a great... For many men, there was a moment when they knew their girlfriend was the one. She had one specific trait that made her different from every other woman they’d been with. Until they experienced it with her, they didn’t even realize what they were missing. Now they... The end of a relationship hurts. You’re desperate to get him back. You think of everything you might have wrong. You can barely get through a day of work without crying. When you get in contact with him, he seems so cold and cruel. He’s like a different person. How... When you were a teenager, how did you handle conflict with your friends? Did you talk them about how you felt? Were you able to clear the air and get it resolved? Or did you push your emotions down, pretend nothing was wrong, and let your hurt surface in other ways?... You’re with a guy you really like, but you’ve noticed something troubling. You put a ton of effort into sending him sweet messages, planning things to do, and showing him how you feel. And what does he do? Well, he’s happy to show up. That’s about it. Your friends...
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