You’re panicking. If you don’t fix this, you’re going to lose him. He’s acting like a stranger. You’re still communicating, but you can feel the coldness. With every day that passes, you become more and more anxious. You’re no longer sleeping. You can barely keep your... When Alyssa came into my office, she wasn’t the same woman I’d seen the week before. Her blond hair was limp and unwashed. She wasn’t wearing makeup. Her shoulders were slumped. “So, how’d your date go last week?” I asked. I knew she’d been looking forward to it. “It... Zoey opened up her online dating app to see the message: “Send pics.” She was mystified. What ever happened to hello? She took a look at the man who was messaging her. He seemed decent. So she wrote back to him: “If you look at my profile, you’ll see my pics.” She was... You don’t understand why. It was going so well. You were there for him during tough times. He said he’d protect you and keep you safe. He was part of your life, and you were part of his. Now he’s saying he doesn’t feel the same way anymore? How can love turn off just... If you have a guy in your life right now, what grade would you give him? Is he an A+ boyfriend? Or maybe a B+… Or even a C? Think about the reasons you assigned him this grade. Maybe you gave him an A+ because he goes above and beyond for you. He takes you to the...
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