Thank you so much! I love you for this. I love my man so much; so blessed to have such a wonderful person to be next to in my life. It was easy to answer five in all the categories-wrote it out on the back of an envelope and will rewrite it again in my journal where it can be referred to easily.
We’ve known and loved each other for ten years; and owing to a few simple concepts in Divine Ignorance, he keeps being the new exciting happy boyfriend who ‘just came’ into my life. And we aren’t kids either, we’re both 59. I love his self-love. I can so trust it. It holds me.
People who love themselves like it’s the most obvious human right and self-responsibility find it easy to be happy with others. This is what I’ve learned in deed from Eric. Thank you for your service to the polarity between the sexes Mr. James Bauer
You are God’s coin.