C. S.

I would like to say thanks because it has helped me to make some life altering moves for the better.

The section that helped me the most was the section about if I should leave. The signs were there but your program gave me the courage to walk away. Yes, it’s hard but you have shown me to be a stronger person and that I can move on without this person in my life even after investing over 2 years.

C. S.


Dear James,

I have to admit you are so right. As women, we forget what talents we had going when we attracted that Man in the first place.

Tried your call for help, at first it was more “ok what do you need?” attitude. But the flattery helped and he warmed a bit more.

Next I tried the hint of how important I can be to his future goals. Wow, he jumped into my lap.

Have to keep reading and try the next one!

I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that it really was that easy.

No talk of love or guilt or any mush. Just I need his help and at the same time I can help him.

Thank You!


Cynthia H.

James, I appreciate your book. I also appreciate these periodic pieces of information from you. They seem authentic and not game like.

Thank you James!

Cynthia H.

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