
Dear James,

That tip of the day (“I can’t wait”) is SOOOO beautiful!! I love it! It means so much, and it is applicable to all aspects of life: slow down and enjoy the moment. When we look for a big bang and fireworks, we miss the slow, simmering fire and passion that is right before our eyes! There is so much to be enjoyed in the little things. Savoring the little things is the only true way to enjoy life and to experience true pleasure!
Thank you again!



Hi James,

Thank you so much for your time and effort in sharing your insight with women to create and build better relationships. I have enjoyed being your student, and I feel confident in working out what I have learned over the course of the past seven months. I have started a new relationship and I have already put some things into practice and it has helped. So, thank you again, and God bless you James.




You’re always so brilliant and I really appreciate every tip of the day you have to offer. Since I’ve become a subscriber, I look forward to your e-mails the most. I am truly quite happy and feel quite blessed to be able to see you in my inbox.

I really love the new newsletter style too btw.


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