

they finally contacted me yesterday and quickly took care of the issue. thank you very much for your quick response. There is nio need for James to get involved at this time if he has not already.

I am very thankful for the information that I have gotten from James. It helped me meet and keep my man.

(A wedding announcement was attached to this email, she’s on her way to being happily married because of James’ work.)

Thank you James for teaching me how to show respect to this amazing man! I feel very grateful.



Thank you so much for this course!

I love the specific examples and how u write out details of different scenarios! It’s so important when learning how to act and speak in a different way! I would love to read more detailed examples of the types of speech to use in a relationship to best bring out the love and admiration in a relationship.

Thanks again! Love the course, I am looking forward to ur first and lengthy published book on the subject! I hope u r working on publishing one!!



I have to say James I was a bit skeptical at first when I was starting this program of yours. I’m married have been for 12 years, this is a second marriage for both of us. Your words on respect are SPOT ON! He has done a complete turn around since I started talking to him in a different way.

WOW to be honest I was upset with myself at first because we really could not afford for me to spend the money on the program. But it has saved my marriage (so far) I hope in the long run forever. Just wanted to take a minute to tell you thanks!


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