When You Think He’s Cheating

Bonnie had been with her guy ever since college. But they’d been long-distance ever since he moved to get his master’s degree. It was only two years. She knew they could handle it. Lately, though, she’d become suspicious. She couldn’t put a finger on it, but something...

The Trust Deficit: Why Modern Dating Feels Riskier Than Ever

It’s already so hard to meet someone new. There are so many obstacles to overcome: making that first contact, figuring out what to say, building attraction, daring to suggest seeing each other again… It’s not fair that I’m giving you one more thing to worry...

3 Signs He’s Not Over His Ex

“James!” Kelli threw her bag on the floor and flung herself into the chair. “I knew it! I found the evidence.” “What evidence?” I asked. “He still has pictures of her. Couple pictures, right there in his bedside drawer! And she’s still in his contacts list. I knew he...