What Men Want More than Love

Which would you prefer: To be loved or to be respected? The answer is obvious. Of course it’s better to be loved. You can have all the degrees and achievements and fame in the world, but without love it feels a bit hollow. Do you think most men would agree? If your...

How to Stop Being “Too Nice” to Men

Ellie knew what her problem was in dating: She was too nice. She kept exchanging messages even when she was no longer interested. She said yes every time a man asked her out, because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She had long conversations where she listened...

What Does Respect in a Relationship Look Like?

“She doesn’t respect me, so why should I have to respect her?” Dillon leaned forward, certain I’d agree with him. But Jayla cut in with a shrug of her shoulders, “I’d respect him if he started acting like a man instead of a teenage boy.” Dillon looked to me, “See what...