Secrets of the Securely Attached

If relationships were logical, it would be so much easier. You’d understand going in that most relationships don’t last. It wouldn’t hurt when things went wrong; you’d expect them to go wrong. Then you’d bust out your toolkit of strategies. If the relationship ended,...

When You’re Not the Key That Fits His Lock

Let’s talk about rejection. You find someone you really like, and it doesn’t work out. He doesn’t feel the same. Or, even worse, he does feel the same … for a while. Then he yanks the rug out from under you. Goodbye, heaven. Everyone has to learn to deal with...

Scared He’s Going to Leave You? 3 Questions That Can Help

Caitlyn thought of herself as gentle and loving. She made others feel good. She tried to keep the peace. But her boyfriend Hudson was driving her crazy. It started a few months after they moved in together. Until then, she thought she and Hudson saw eye-to-eye on...