You’re on a first date, and you really want to make it to a second date. Should you: (a) Talk about him, or (b) talk about yourself?(a) Ask lots of questions, or (b) not ask questions?(a) Play it cool, or (b) get excited? I’ll give you a clue. The answer is either all... Have you ever been on a blind date? They’re nerve-racking. Even if you trust the person setting you up, it feels like such a gamble. What if the guy is a jerk? Or an idiot? Or just a really, really bad fit? Blind date horror stories range from the uncomfortable to the... Have you ever been on an awkward first date? I know. That’s almost like asking if you’ve ever been on ANY first dates. First dates are tough. Expectations are often high. There’s an air of excitement, but there’s anxiety, too. You want him to like you. He wants you to... Anna is an attractive and fit woman in her mid-30s. She describes most of her dating experiences as “very positive” and is currently engaged to a great guy. Okay, what’s her secret? Anna says her secret to success is that she loves great food, and she loves to eat.... Of the many ways men and women think differently, here’s one of my favorites. Women agonize over finding an outfit that is stylish and trendy for a first date. But men are often a little behind in recognizing women’s trends. That means your outfit may...
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