You’re with a man who acts like he doesn’t care about you half the time. Some of the time, he’s amazing. He’s passionate. He’s romantic. But then he pulls away. He barely sees you. He acts preoccupied. What’s going on? You may have fallen for a Love Avoidant. How It...
Should you trust him? It’s a Catch 22. If you do trust him, you’re opening yourself up to getting hurt or betrayed. If you don’t trust him, you’ll never gain true intimacy. Has this ever happened to you? You trusted someone who shouldn’t have been trusted… Then...
Men put up a tough exterior, but inside they crave affirmation of their manliness. They crave respect. Men feel so strongly about respect and disrespect that the absence of it can end a relationship. Why have you never heard of this before? It’s because of...
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