Getting Back Together After a Rough Patch

Carol and her guy had been going through a rough patch. It wasn’t anything new. It was the same old problems they’d always struggled with. “I just don’t think we can make it work,” she told me. “We’ve tried so many times. I’m discouraged. He’s discouraged.” She...

Questions to Ask a Guy: The Rapid Intimacy Tool

Maybe there’s a guy you have a crush on. And maybe you’d like to move past awkward small talk with him so he can realize what an interesting person you are. In that case, it would be helpful to know the right questions to ask a guy. Questions that make him slip...

How Couple Rituals Keep You Together

Being a couple is special. You’re unlike any other couple. As a couple, you have secrets no one else knows, you have inside jokes that send you delirious with laughter, and you have pet names and private rituals. Defining who you are as a couple is an important part...

What You Don’t Know

In school, it was helpful to give the impression you knew a bit more than you really did. The same thing is true for adults in the workplace. After all, no one wants to draw attention by admitting they have no idea what that acronym stands for when everyone else is...