3 Relationship Non-Negotiables

When you meet a guy, the very first question you ask yourself is: “Do I like him?” If the answer is yes, the next question is: “Do I have fun with him?” And if you start dating, you’ll eventually ask yourself the question: “Could I be with him forever?” At each stage,...

Is Something Bothering you?

He’s great. He’s better than 90% of the guys out there. You can think of a lot of things you like about him. He’s kind. He’s thoughtful. He’s funny. But… He’s not perfect. There’s this thing about him that annoys you. Maybe it’s that gross sound he makes when eating…...

What’s Your One Non-Negotiable Thing?

Jillian met Matt rock-climbing. It was a match made in heaven. Six months later, they’d moved in together and were on their way to happily ever after. Except, one year later, Jillian was no longer all that happy. She loved Matt. She still believed he was the One. But...