James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “Hey! I feel like making _____ tonight. Got any family recipes I could borrow?” This invites him to talk about his family. It also reminds him that you’re an excellent cook… or at least that you try. It might open the... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Try on a few different outfits in a dressing room. Send him pictures. “Which ___?” Top, dress, pants, scarf…. Not only are you asking his opinion, there’s a real assumption of intimacy here in letting him help you choose... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Send him a picture of your room. “I want to rearrange. Where is the perfect spot for this ____?” Self-disclosure leads to feelings of intimacy in relationships. The trick here is that it doesn’t always have to be in the form... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “I’ve been craving ice cream. What’s your vote for the best in town?” People love being asked for their opinions. It also opens up an opportunity for a possible meet-up – spontaneous or planned ice cream,... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “I just downloaded one of those apps for cheap flight alerts. Where would you go first?”This ignites his sense of adventure and lets him know that you’re up for adventure... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week We all need to ask for a favor every now and then. Turns out, there are “dos and don’ts” to asking for help. Whether you need a professional recommendation or a ride to the optometrist, you should ask your favor in a...
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