James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “Hey, you’re super fit and I am desperately in need of a new gym. Where do you work out?” This one hits a nice trifecta by asking for advice, offering a throwaway compliment, and providing him with a question that he can... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “I have friends visiting for the weekend and I’m stumped on where to take them. Any ideas?” Guys love it when you show that you value their opinions and trust them enough to ask for their help. Plus, you may get to learn... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Let him know he’s on your mind: “I was ________ today and I swear I saw ________ for a second.” Examples: “I was going for a run today and I swear I saw your dog for a second.” “I was driving to work today, and for a second,... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week Pick one of his interests and ask about it. Make it timely. Examples: “ESPN just did a story on your team. Think they’re going to have a good year?” “I just read about this new brewery opening up. Heard anything about it?”... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week If you’re already friends on social media and he posts something interesting, comment on it via text instead of on social media. Examples: “Hey, saw the new pic you posted! Where did you learn to take pictures like that?”... James Bauer’s Texting Tip of the Week “Did you see this?” Accompany the message with a video, link to information, or meme related to his interests. Bonus points if it’s an activity you can do together. It’ll show him you’re thinking about him and pay attention...
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