You pick up your phone and see a text from a guy you really liked who ghosted you last year. Is it an apology? Nope. Is it an explanation? Nope. It’s a “hey” with a string of friendly emojis. What’s that supposed to mean? You pick up your phone and see a text from a... When you go out on a date with someone new, what is your goal? To impress him. To get to know him. To ramp up the heat. To get playful. Now, we all hope that our date will be impressed by us. We all hope we’ll get to know our date better. We all hope that our date... Do you make good decisions in love? Let’s find out! Question #1: You like a guy at work. Despite your best efforts to get him to ask you out, it’s clear that it’s up to you if you want anything to happen. There’s a 5% chance that he’s the love of your life. There’s a... Naleda was a vibrant 22-year-old who oozed confidence. She made direct eye contact and shook my hand firmly. As she settled into a chair, I asked her why she’d come to see me. She froze. I could see her confidence drain away. She took a deep breath and confessed, “I... Some of my clients tell me that they already know how to deal with men. “You’ve got to train a man like you train a dog,” they say. “Ignore his bad behavior and reward his good behavior.” It’s a common belief, but such a missed opportunity for connection. Treating a... You have been working so hard. You’ve been pouring time and energy into finding the right guy, or making things work with this guy, or just being the best version of you so you’re ready when Mr. Right shows up. And sometimes a little voice whispers inside your head…...
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