You really like this guy… But, for whatever reason, there’s no possibility of it ever becoming more. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Maybe he’s an off limits co-worker. Maybe he’s told you, “I’m not in the right place in my life for a relationship.” What should you do?... When you meet a wonderful person and fall in love, it feels like fireworks bursting in the sky. It feels like you’ve opened the door to your soul and let someone in. It feels like you’re not alone anymore. Two have become one. You don’t want to be apart from him for... Imagine you’re playing a board game with this really cute, amazing guy. You can tell he really likes you, too. Eventually, you notice that every time you play this game with him, you end up winning. So you start paying closer attention to how he’s playing… And, sure... “How do I know there’s not someone else out there for me?” Amanda asked. “What if I end up with the wrong person because I didn’t hold out for someone better?” I’ve heard so many women ask some version of Amanda’s question. (I’ve heard men ask this question, too.) How... Linda was tired. She was in her mid-fifties and didn’t look like she used to. Her face, her hair, her twenty pounds of extra weight… made her wonder what any man would see in her. She came to me for help recovering from heartbreak after she’d met a man online. She... You stare at your phone… And a cold feeling settles into your gut. You re-read his text again. Is he mad at you for something? Is this supposed to be funny? Is he saying it’s over? As your thumbs hover over the keypad, your mind remains stubbornly blank. You have to...
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