You Can Feel More Confident

You’re on a first date with someone you met online. You’re sitting across from him, talking and laughing, but part of you is on edge. You can’t relax. You haven’t been able to relax since you got into the car to drive here. You normally don’t worry what anyone thinks...

Attraction that Leads to Trouble…

Think of the last guy you were attracted to. Someone you REALLY liked. Did being with this guy make you feel: Like you’d be happy forever if only he’d commit to you? But first you’ve got to show him how great you are and how great his life would be with you?Like you’d...

Dressing to Attract Men

Is it better to be conventionally attractive… Or is it better to look interesting? I’ll tell you what I’ve noticed about the effect this has for women, but first, let me tell you about guys who have tested this idea. “Peacocking” is rooted in Mother Nature’s design...

3 Communication Secrets to Boost Conversation Quality

Bethany will never forget the last meal out she had with the man she thought she was going to marry. They’d gone to their favorite Mexican restaurant, the scene of so many happy times. They ate in silence. She asked him how work was. He grunted. She asked him if he...

What He Sees in You

How long does it take for a man to know if he’s attracted to you? He knows from the moment he sets eyes on you. In hard numbers, that’s 100 milliseconds. Researchers at Princeton found that we’re most accurate when it comes to making snap judgements about two traits:...